Like many of you, I get frustrated whenever I turn on CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC and consistently see a tit for tat between our elected officials. Politics has gotten so party line centered that it has become a “you vs. me” “them vs. us” system of government that is focused more on polarizing sound bites than resolving critical issues.
I'm in elected office to change the narrative. I bring a different leadership style to the forefront that is focused on building coalitions and relationships with all people and all communities. Regardless if you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent, I strive to foster mutual respect between different perspectives in an effort to create a space where each side has a voice and a representative that will be open minded to everyone’s concerns.
In politics, there is a saying that if you stand in the middle of the road you will get run over. Well, I object to that notion and remain in the middle standing confidently tall. One must walk towards the center if you have any intent on shaking hands with the other side to achieve real progress. I am a Centrist. I am a Unifier. My time in office will continue to be centered on unifying people, with a unified message, to create a unified city.
#togetherwewill MOVE HOUSTON FORWARD